BrainsBreaker is a mind game for Windows users that requires you to piece together a variety of different challenging puzzles.
BrainsBreaker is a truly customizable jigsaw puzzle that lets you choose the picture of the jigsaw to put together. BrainsBreaker also allows you to transform any image into a jigsaw puzzle. Some options include the ability to choose how many pieces you want to break the image into and the level of difficulty.
In fact, the only limit you'll find to the number of pieces you can divide the picture into is the size of your screen. You can choose just about any image on your hard drive to turn into a puzzle with BrainsBreaker, although it has to be in JPG format, which is a bit limiting. For the best results, it's wise to choose a complex picture that makes it challenging to put together. BrainsBreaker's pieces themselves are very realistic with different cuts and shapes, which you can drag and drop into position with your mouse.
If you've created a really complex puzzle on BrainsBreaker, there are advanced options that allow you to move large chunks of pieces together, resize the puzzle or work from the edge inwards. Scoring in BrainsBreaker is based on how many pieces you manage to put together, although the real pleasure is in just seeing it come together.
BrainsBreaker is a truly personal way to enjoy the classic jigsaw game that you'll never lose the pieces to!
Trial version
Windows Vista
Juan Trujillo